"Jimmy Kimmel Live" recently aired a segment called "Ice Cube's Kidz Bop Hip Hop." In it, Ice Cube, A$AP Rocky, Big Sean, Lil Jon, and Ty Dolla $ign share clean, kid-friendly versions of some of their more explicit hits. Titles include "Snow Day" ("It Was a Good Day"), "Trucking Problems" ("Fuckin' Problems"), "I Can't Tie My Shoes" ("I Don't Fuck With You"), "Tetherball" ("Get Low"), "Dirty Boy" ("Paranoid"), and "Hug the Police" (N.W.A's "Fuck the Police"). Watch the skit below. Back in April, Kimmel explained the speculation surrounding the themes of infidelity in Beyoncé's Lemonade in emojis. Last year, Tyler, the Creator rapped excerpts of a Dr. Seuss book on "Kimmel" while wearing a Cat in the Hat costume. (He ended the segment by calling it "wack.")
Watch Ty Dolla $ign's "Over/Under" on Pitchfork.tv: